Welcome! If you've arrived here you are probably interested in becoming a Friend of Braidburn Valley Park. You can do so easily and quickly by completing this web form. But if you prefer to make your application on paper you can do so by downloading and printing the application form you will find here.

The information you provide will be held in the FOBVP members database. The database is maintained by the FOBVP membership secretary to whom this form will go when you press the Submit button at the bottom of the form. A copy of your completed form will also be emailed to you.

If you have any questions about the form (or the use of the members database) please email the membership secretary at membership@braidburnvalleypark.org.uk.

Contact details

Permission to contact you by email

It is helpful if we can use email to communicate with you, occasionally, about park activities, or membership matters. This saves time, money and paper. Please indicate whether you consent to this, or not, as follows:

Note that if you opt out of email-contact you will still receive an automated email reply when you submit this webform. But your email address will not be added to our mailing list.


The annual subscription is £5 per household or £3 for an individual. Membership is renewed each year in January. Subscriptions paid by members joining after the beginning of September are valid for the whole of the following membership year. It is administratively easier for us if members are able to pay their annual subscription by standing order.

Please indicate your subscription choices in the following:

If you need a Standing Order form for your bank you can download one here. If you choose to set up your standing order by online banking the details of FOBVP's account that you will need are (these details will be in the copy of this form that you will get by email):

Bank of Scotland Account Name : The Friends of Braidburn Valley Park

Account number: 00439306 Sort code: 80-11-14

Cheques should be made payable to Friends of Braidburn Valley Park.

Cheques or cash should be sent to:

FOBVP membership secretary, 13 Greenbank Crescent, Edinburgh, EH10 5TE.

Whichever way you choose to pay, please make sure to include your name !

Gift Aid

FOBVP is a registered charity and is therefore able to reclaim income tax that its members have paid on their subscriptions and donations. To enable us to do so you need to complete a short gift aid declaration form. The form explains the gift aid conditions more fully. Gift Aid makes a considerable difference to our annual budget; so we strongly encourage you to do this if you can.

To submit this form please click on the button:

Privacy Policy

FOBVP recognises its responsibilities in regard to the protection and use of its membership data. We will use the information provided only in ways that members would reasonably expect, to run FOBVP, and support its aims. For a fuller statement, please see FOBVP's Privacy notice.