View of Braidburn Valley Park - January

Braidburn Valley Park


Green Flag Award logo

Join – from £3 a year

Please join the Friends of Braidburn Valley Park and support this local community group.  It only costs £3 a year for individuals, or £5 for a household.  You will receive the regular Valley Voice newsletter to let you know what is happening in the Park.  You will be under no obligation to join in…but you will be most welcome if you feel so inclined. Your support will be much appreciated!

You can apply for membership easily by completing this online Friends of Braidburn Valley Park membership application form.

It boosts our funds if you are a tax payer and willing to allow us to use the gift aid scheme to reclaim the income tax paid on your membership fees and other donations.  You can do so easily by completing this online Gift Aid Declaration form.

If you prefer to do things on paper these forms are also available here as documents that can be downloaded and printed.