View of Braidburn Valley Park - February

Braidburn Valley Park


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Braidburn Valley Park

Four way-marking signs point out the new Robert Louis Stevenson Way, which starts at the north end of Braidburn Valley Park and leads the walker as close to Stevenson’s original route as possible, to his family home in Swanston nestling in the Pentlands.

This route has long been lobbied for by local groups, and has been carried out for City of Edinburgh Council by ScotWays – the Scottish Rights of Way Society. It will become part of Edinburgh’s core path network, and offers walkers, cyclists and riders an opportunity to use Braidburn Valley Park as a key green space connecting the city centre to our surrounding countryside.

More information about Stevenson’s connection with the Park can be found on the interpretation panel at the north entrance to the Park.

  • Primary 7 legacy tree planting
  • Planted 7,000 bluebells with 90 Primary 3s
  • Planted 40 alder trees with 30 Primary 5s
  • Planted 10,000 daffodils with local uniformed organisations and community

Find out about Responsible Access and Use and Management Plans for the Park