Cherry tree fellingTree works at the south end of the park are set to continue into next week. Earlier in the year the Council Trees and Woodlands officers identified a number of the old cherry trees that were diseased or rotten at the base as well as 5 of the tall Lombardy poplars along the southern boundary of the Park were in poor condition. As a safety measure the trees identified are being felled. The loss of these trees from this area is regrettable but, as they are alongside a path, public safety is paramount. The Friends group will be working with the council on a plan to replace the cherry trees but this is dependent on funding.



Lombardy poplar

The path along the southern boundary is likely to be closed at times when the felling is taking place. Most of the wood from the trees is being stacked in this area and will be left to rot away as a wildlife habitat.
If you have any queries on this work or suggestions on new planting please get in touch with the Park Tree Warden ( ) or Mike Shields ( ) the Community Parks Officer at the Council or simply leave a comment below