As mentioned in the news article just before Christmas several cherry trees were brought down in the gales in December. The Council Trees and Woodlands officers also identified 5 other cherry trees that were diseased or rotten at the base and these will be felled shortly. In addition they carried out a survey of the tall Lombardy poplars along the southern boundary of the Park and some other trees in this area. Unfortunately 5 of the poplars and a birch tree were found to be in a dangerous condition and these will be need to be felled.

The loss of these trees from this area is regrettable but, as they are alongside a path, public safety is paramount. The Friends group will be working with the council on a plan to replace these trees.

If you have any queries on this work or suggestions on new planting please get in touch with the Park Tree Warden ( ) or Mike Shields ( ) the Community Parks Officer at the Council or simply leave a comment below